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Power Bi
Case Study 2

Company Background

Company Background: XYZ company is a leading provider of business solutions. It has been in the industry for more than a decade, and over the years, its sales volume has been steadily increasing. The company’s sales volume has grown to a point where it needs a more comprehensive analysis to identify market opportunities and potential areas for improvement.


Manufacturer of pharmaceutical devices

Technology Adopted


Challenges Faced

XYZ company faced several challenges in managing its sales volume over time. Firstly, the company was unable to accurately track sales trends due to the lack of a comprehensive sales analysis report. Secondly, the company was unable to generate accurate forecasts and plans based on sales data. Finally, the company was unable to quickly identify market opportunities and areas where they could increase volume.

Our Approach

Sasaran Technologies developed a comprehensive sales analysis report for XYZ company using Power BI. The report included sales data from multiple sources and allowed the company to accurately track sales trends over time. It also provided the company with the insights they needed to generate accurate forecasts and plans.


  1. Accurate and timely sales data: The Power BI report enabled XYZ company to accurately track sales trends in real-time.
  2. Improved forecasting: The report also allowed the company to generate more accurate forecasts and plans based on sales data.
  3. Increased market opportunities: The report allowed the company to quickly identify market opportunities and areas where they could increase volume.
  4. Enhanced customer experience: The report helped the company to provide a better customer experience by providing timely and accurate sales data.